Mechanical Energy
Potential Energy
Kinetic Energy
Work-Energy Theorem
Conservation of Energy
Energy and Technology
Comparison of Kinetic Energy and Momentum
Energy for Life
Sources of Energy
This is an important chapter. The concept of energy is central to physics and is discussed in its various forms throughout the remainder of the text. The previous chapter is prerequisite to at least the section “Comparison Between Kinetic Energy and Momentum.” The last section of the chapter, “Energy for Life,” can be expanded upon in lecture. Consider skipping the section “Comparison of Kinetic Energy and Momentum” for a short treatment. For science majors who may take more physics, it’s useful.
David Willey has pointed out that only about 60% to 75% of the PE of a drawn bow goes into the KE of an arrow, depending on the type of bow. The rest of the energy heats the bow. Similarly, only about 30% of the energy of firearms is transferred to the projectiles they fire. The rest heats the firearm. This poses a problem with sustained fire in machine guns, where the bore thermally expands so bullets no longer take the rifling and tip over and over in flight just as though they were fired from a smooth bore. Hence the water cooling for machine guns.
The section “Comparison of Kinetic Energy and Momentum,” should be skipped if you are presenting a short treatment of mechanics. Although it is important to students who will take a follow-up physics course, it is likely not useful enough to belabor with nonscience students.
The bed of nails demonstration Figure 7.20 has been around for many years. [This demo is shown in the opening title shots of the videotape and DVD series, Conceptual Physics Alive!.]
Some work-energy problems are in the student supplement, Problem Solving in Conceptual Physics.
There is one OHT for this chapter, Figure 7.12.
In the Practicing Physics book:
• Work and Energy • Momentum and Energy
• Conservation of Energy • Energy and Momentum
In the Next-Time Questions book:
• Bumpy Tracks • Ball Toss
• Roller Coaster • Cannonball
• Long Cannon
There is an activity on energy and power and an experiment on leverage and mechanical advantage in the Laboratory Manual to complement this chapter.
A nice discussion to kick off a treatment of energy is presented by Feynman in the beginning of Chapter 4, The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Addison-Wesley, 1963).
Begin by standing on a chair against a wall with an extended heavy pendulum bob held at the tip of your nose. Say nothing. Release the bob and let it swing out, then back to your nose. Don’t flinch. Then comment on your confidence in physical laws and lead into a distinction between potential and kinetic energy. This is, point out that where the bob is moving fastest, it is lowest, and where it is highest, it doesn’t move at all. The bob transforms energy of motion to energy of position in cyclic fashion. Allow the pendulum to swing to-and-fro while you’re talking. Its motion decays. Why? Then point out the transformation of energy from the moving bob to the molecules of air that are encountered, and to the molecules in the bending string or wire at the pivot point. The energy of the pendulum will end up as heat energy. I quip that on a very hot day, somebody, somewhere, is swinging a giant pendulum to-and-fro.
Work: Define work and compare it to impulse of the previous chapter. In both case, the effect of exerting a force on something depends on how long the force acts. In the previous chapter, how long was meant as time, and we spoke of impulse. In this chapter, how long is meant as distance, and we speak of work. Cite the examples of the drawn slingshot and the long barreled cannon, where the added length produces greater speed. We described this greater speed in terms of greater momentum. Now we describe this greater speed in terms of greater energy—that is, greater KE.
CHECK QUESTION: Is work done when a weightlifter holds a barbell stationary above her head? [Yes and no. With each contraction of the weightlifter’s heart, a force is exerted through a distance on her blood and so does work on the blood. But this work is not done on the barbell.]
Work-Energy Theorem: When discussing whether or not work is done, be sure to specify done on what. If you push a stationary wall, you may be doing work on your muscles (that involve forces and distances in flexing), but you do no work on the wall. Key point: If work is done on something, then the energy of that something changes. Distinguish between the energy one expends in doing things, and the work that is actually done on something.
CHECK QUESTION: When a car slows down due to air drag, does its KE decrease? [Most certainly!]
CHECK QUESTION: Which is greater, 1 joule or 1 newton? [Whoops! The comparison is silly, for they’re units of completely different things—work and force.] An idea about magnitude of 1 joule is that it is the work done in vertically lifting a quarter-pound hamburger with cheese (approximately 1 N) one meter.
Power: A watt of power is the work done in vertically lifting a quarter-pound hamburger with cheese (approximately 1 N) one meter in one second.
Potential Energy: Return to your pendulum: With the pendulum at equilibrium show how the force necessary to pull it sideways (which varies with the angle made by the string) is very small compared to the force necessary to lift it vertically (its weight). Point out that for equal elevations, the arced path is correspondingly longer than the vertical path—with the result that the product of the applied force and distance traveled—the work done—is the same for both cases. (Without overdoing it, this is a good place to let your students know about integral calculus—how calculus is required to add up the work segments that continuously increase in a nonlinear way.) Then discuss the work needed to elevate the ball in Figure 7.4.
CHECK QUESTIONS: Does a car hoisted for lubrication in a service station have PE? How much work will raise the car twice as high? Three times as high? How much more PE will it have in these cases?
You can give the example of dropping a bowling ball on your toe—first from a distance of 1 mm above your toe, then to various distances up to 1 m above your toe. Each time, the bowling ball would do more work on your toe because it would possess more gravitational potential energy when released.
Kinetic Energy: Relate force ´ distance = DKE to examples of pushing a car, and then to braking a car as treated in the text. You may do Problem 1 (about skidding distance as a function of speed) at this point.
To a close approximation, skidding force is independent of speed. Hence change in KE is approximately equal to change in skidding distance. When the car’s brakes are applied, the car’s kinetic energy is changed into internal energy in the brake pads, tire, and road as they become warmer.
You may or may not at this point preview future material by relating the idea of the KE of molecules and the idea of temperature. State that molecules in a substance having the same temperature have the same average KE. If the masses of the molecules are the same, then it follows that the speeds of the molecules are the same. But what if the masses are different, for example in a sample of gas made up of light and heavy molecules at the same temperature? Which molecules would move faster? (If you shook a container of billiard balls mixed with Ping-Pong balls so that both kinds of balls had the same kinetic energy, which would move faster in the container?) (If an elephant and a mouse run with the same kinetic energy, which is to say both will do the same amount of work if they bump into the door of a barn, can you say which of the two is running faster?) You might consider the demonstration of inhaling helium and talking at this point—particularly if you are not including the chapters on sound in your course design. Relate the higher temperature due to the faster moving helium molecules to the higher temperature in a bugle when faster moving air is blown through it.
Energy Conservation: Discuss Figures 7.8 and 7.9 and then return to your pendulum. Explain how the kinetic energy and hence, the speed of the bob at the bottom of its swing is equal to the speed it would have if dropped vertically through the same height.
CHECK QUESTION: Refer to Figure 7.4 in “inclines” a and b: How does the speed of the ball compare at ground level when released from equal elevations? [It is impressive that the speeds will be the same. The lesser acceleration down the sloped ramp is compensated by a longer time. But return to the situation and ask how the times to reach the bottom compare and be prepared for an incorrect response, “The same!” Quip and ask if the colors and temperatures will also be the same. Straight-forward physics can be confusing enough!]
If you wish to treat the solution to Exercise 36 as part of your lecture, you’ll be underscoring the great usefulness of the energy concept in dealing with motion. You can also state that one of the reasons you didn’t spend too much time working out numerical examples and posing problems on the kinematics material back in Chapter 3 is that physicists usually treat these ideas in the context of energy.
DEMONSTRATION: Do a mini version of Figure 7.20 and place a heavy object on your forearm and hand, and strike it very hard with a hammer with your other hand. (If you wish to explain this in detail for science majors in your class, cite the roles of both energy and momentum, and compare the brief impulses of both your demonstration and that of the ball hanging by the string back in Figure 2.4.)
DEMONSTRATION: Preview electricity and magnetism and bring out the horseshoe magnet hand-cranked generator that lights up the lamp shown ahead in Figure 25.17. Have student volunteers attest to the fact that more work is needed to turn the crank when the lamp is connected than when it is not. Then relate this to Exercise 37.
When gasoline combines with oxygen in a car’s engine, the chemical potential energy stored in the fuel is converted mainly into molecular KE (thermal energy). Some of this energy in effect is transferred to the piston and some of this causes motion of the car.
Go over the Check Yourself question about fuel economy in the text—very important. (I pose the same question on my exams, which to the student is the definition of what’s important!) As a side point, gas economy is increased when tires are inflated to maximum pressures, where less flattening of the tire occurs as it turns. The very important point of this exercise is the upper limit possible.
I extend this idea of an upper limit to the supposed notion that certain gadgets attached to automobile engines will give phenomenal performance—so much in fact, (tongue in cheek) that the oil companies have gobbled up the patents and are keeping them off the market. Charlatans stand ready to benefit from this public perception, and offer the public a chance to invest in their energy producing machines. They prey on people who are ignorant of or do not understand the message of the energy conservation law. You can’t get something for nothing. You can’t even break even, because of the inevitable transformation of available energy to heat. For more on such charlatans, read Bob Park’s book, Voodoo Science.
Efficiency: It should be enough that your students become acquainted with the idea of efficiency, so I don’t recommend setting the plow too deep for this topic. The key idea to impart is that of useful energy. To say that an incandescent lamp is 10% efficient is to say that only 10% of the energy input is converted to the useful form of light. All the rest goes to heat. But even the light energy converts to heat upon absorption. So all the energy input to an incandescent lamp is converted to heat. This means that it is a 100% efficient heater (but not a 100% device for emitting light)!
Dark Energy: Not discussed in the text is the current serious speculation of dark energy, which is postulated to be speeding up the expanding universe. You may want to discuss this current finding, which may be one of the most important discoveries in science in the past quarter century.

NEXT-TIME QUESTION: Exercise 62, when you’ve shown the swinging ball apparatus in class.
Solutions to Chapter 7 Exercises
1. It is easier to stop a lightly loaded truck than a heavier one moving at the same speed because it has less KE and will therefore require less work to stop. (An answer in terms of impulse and momentum is also acceptable.)
2. For the same momentum, the lighter truck must have a greater speed. It also has a greater KE and thus requires more work to stop. Whenever two bodies of different masses have the same momentum, the lighter one not only is the faster of the two, it also has the greater KE. That’s because in the formula KE = 1/2 mv2, the mass m enters once but the speed v enters twice (that is, it is squared). That means that the effect of higher speed for the lighter truck more than offsets the effect of smaller mass.
3. Zero work, for negligible horizontal force acts on the backpack.
4. Your friend does twice as much work (4 ´ 1/2 > 1 ´ 1).
5. Although no work is done on the wall, work is nevertheless done on internal parts of your body (which generate heat).
6. More force is required to stretch the strong spring, so more work is done in stretching it the same distance as a weaker spring.
7. Work done by each is the same, for they reach the same height. The one who climbs in 30 s uses more power because work is done in a shorter time.
8. Yes, for the truck with greater mass at the same speed has greater KE, which is acquired by the work done on it.
9. The PE of the drawn bow as calculated would be an overestimate, (in fact, about twice its actual value) because the force applied in drawing the bow begins at zero and increases to its maximum value when fully drawn. It’s easy to see that less force and therefore less work is required to draw the bow halfway than to draw it the second half of the way to its fully-drawn position. So the work done is not maximum force ´ distance drawn, but average force ´distance drawn. In this case where force varies almost directly with distance (and not as the square or some other complicated factor) the average force is simply equal to the initial force + final force, divided by 2. So the PE is equal to the average force applied (which would be approximately half the force at its full-drawn position) multiplied by the distance through which the arrow is drawn.
10. The force that does the work is the component of gravitational force parallel to the surface of the hill.
11. When a rifle with a long barrel is fired, more work is done as the bullet is pushed through the longer distance. A greater KE is the result of the greater work, so of course, the bullet emerges with a greater velocity. (It might be mentioned that the force acting on the bullet is not constant, but decreases with increasing distance inside the barrel.)
12. Agree, because speed itself is relative to the frame of reference (Chapter 3). Hence 1/2 mv2 is also relative to a frame of reference.
13. The KE of the tossed ball relative to occupants in the airplane does not depend on the speed of the airplane. The KE of the ball relative to observers on the ground below, however, is a different matter. KE, like velocity, is relative. See the answer to Check Yourself question 2 in the textbook on page 116.
14. You’re both correct, with respect to the frames of reference you’re inferring. KE is relative. From your frame of reference she has considerable KE for she has a great speed. But from her frame of reference her speed is zero and KE also zero.
15. The energies go into frictional heating of the tires, the runway, and the air.
16. KE depends on the square of speed, so the faster one, the lighter golf ball, has the greater KE.
17. For the same KE, the baseball is traveling very fast compared with the bowling ball, whose KE has more to do with its mass. The bowling ball is therefore safer to catch. Exaggerate: Which is safer, being hit with a bullet or being bumped by a car with the same KE?
18. Without the use of a pole, the KE of running horizontally cannot be transformed to gravitational PE. But bending a pole stores elastic PE in the pole, which can be transformed to gravitational PE. Hence the high jumps of vaulters with very elastic poles.
19. The KE of a pendulum bob is maximum where it moves fastest, at the lowest point; PE is maximum at the uppermost points. When the pendulum bob swings by the point that marks half its maximum height, it has half its maximum KE, and its PE is halfway between its minimum and maximum values. If we define PE = 0 at the bottom of the swing, the place where KE is half its maximum value is also the place where PE is half its maximum value, and KE = PE at this point. (In accordance with energy conservation: Total energy = KE + PE.)
20. If the ball is given an initial KE, it will return to its starting position with that KE (moving in the other direction!) and hit the instructor. (The usual classroom procedure is to release the ball from the nose at rest. Then when it returns it will have no KE and will stop short of bumping the nose.)
21. Yes to both, relative to Earth, because work was done to lift it in Earth’s gravitational field and to impart speed to it.
22. In accord with the theorem, no work is done on the satellite (because the gravitational force has no component parallel to motion) so no change in energy occurs. Hence the satellite coasts at a constant speed.
23. According to the work-energy theorem, twice the speed corresponds to 4 times the energy, and therefore 4 times the driving distance. At 3 times the speed, driving distance is 9 times as much.
24. The answers to both (a) and (b) are the same: When the direction of the force is perpendicular to the direction of motion, as is the force of gravity on both the bowling ball on the alley and the satellite in circular orbit, there is no force component in the direction of motion and no work is done by the force.
25. On the hill there is a component of gravitational force in the direction of the car’s motion. This component of force does work on the car. But on the level, there is no component of gravitational force along the direction of the car’s motion, so the force of gravity does no work in this case.
26. The string tension is everywhere perpendicular to the bob’s direction of motion, which means there is no component of tension along the bob’s path, and therefore no work done by the tension. The force of gravity, on the other hand, has a component along the direction of motion everywhere except at the bottom of the swing, and does work, which changes the bob’s KE.
27. The fact that the crate pulls back on the rope in action-reaction fashion is irrelevant. The work done on the crate by the rope is the horizontal component of rope force that acts on the crate multiplied by the distance the crate is moved by that force—period. How much of this work produces KE or thermal energy depends on the amount of friction acting.
28. The 100 J of potential energy that doesn’t go into increasing her kinetic energy goes into thermal energy—heating her bottom and the slide.
29. A Superball will bounce higher than its original height if thrown downward, but if simply dropped, no way. Such would violate the conservation of energy.
30. When a Superball hits the floor some of its energy is transformed to heat. This means it will have less kinetic energy after the bounce than just before and will not reach its original level.
31. Kinetic energy is a maximum as soon as the ball leaves the hand. Potential energy is a maximum when the ball has reached its zenith.
32. The design is impractical. Note that the summit of each hill on the roller coaster is the same height, so the PE of the car at the top of each hill would be the same. If no energy were spent in overcoming friction, the car would get to the second summit with as much energy as it starts with. But in practice there is considerable friction, and the car would not roll to its initial height and have the same energy. So the maximum height of succeeding summits should be lower to compensate for friction.
33. You agree with your second classmate. The coaster could just as well encounter a low summit before or after a higher one, so long as the higher one is enough lower than the initial summit to compensate for energy dissipation by friction.
34. Both will have the same speed. This is easier to see here because both balls convert the same PE to KE.
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35. Except for the very center of the plane, the force of gravity acts at an angle to the plane, with a component of gravitational force along the plane—along the block’s path. Hence the block goes somewhat against gravity when moving away from the central position, and moves somewhat with gravity when coming back. As the object slides farther out on the plane, it is effectively traveling “upward” against Earth’s gravity, and slows down. It finally comes to rest and then slides back and the process repeats itself. The block slides back and forth along the plane. From a flat-Earth point of view the situation is equivalent to that shown in the sketch.
36. If KEs are the same but masses differ, then the ball with smaller mass has the greater speed. That is, 1/2 Mv2 = 1/2 mV2. Likewise with molecules, where lighter ones move faster on the average than more massive ones. (We will see in Chapter 15 that temperature is a measure of average molecular KE—lighter molecules in a gas move faster than same-temperature heavier molecules.)
37. Yes, a car burns more gasoline when its lights are on. The overall consumption of gasoline does not depend on whether or not the engine is running. Lights and other devices run off the battery, which “run down” the battery. The energy used to recharge the battery ultimately comes from the gasoline.
38. A car with windows open experiences more air drag, which causes more fuel to be burned in maintaining motion. This may more than offset the saving from turning off the air conditioner.
39. Sufficient work occurs because with each pump of the jack handle, the force she exerts acts over a much greater distance than the car is. A small force acting over a long distance can do significant work.
40. A machine can multiply force or multiply distance, both of which can be of value.
41. Your friend may not realize that mass itself is congealed energy, so you tell your friend that much more energy in its congealed form is put into the reactor than is taken out from the reactor. Almost 1% of the mass of fission fuel is converted to energy of other forms.
42. Einstein’s E = mc2.
43. The work that the rock does on the ground is equal to its PE before being dropped, mgh = 100 joules. The force of impact, however, depends on the distance that the rock penetrates into the ground. If we do not know this distance we cannot calculate the force. (If we knew the time during which the impulse occurs we could calculate the force from the impulse-momentum relationship—but not knowing the distance or time of the rock’s penetration into the ground, we cannot calculate the force.)
44. When we speak of work done, we must understand work done on what, by what. Work is done on the car by an applied force that originates in the engine. The work done by the engine in moving the car is equal to the product of the applied force and the distance moved, not the net force that involves air resistance and other friction forces. When doing work, we think of applied force; when considering acceleration, we think of net force. Actually, the frictional forces of the road and the air are doing negative work on the car. The zero total work explains why the car’s speed doesn’t change.
45. When air resistance is a factor, the ball will return with less speed (discussed in Exercise 49 in Chapter 4). It therefore will have less KE. You can see this directly from the fact that the ball loses mechanical energy to the air molecules it encounters, so when it returns to its starting point and to its original PE, it will have less KE. This does not contradict energy conservation, for energy is dissipated, not destroyed.
46. The ball strikes the ground with the same speed, whether thrown upward or downward. The ball starts with the same energy at the same place, so they will have the same energy when they reach the ground. This means they will strike with the same speed. This is assuming negligible air resistance, for if air resistance is a factor, then the ball thrown upward will dissipate more energy in its longer path and strike with somewhat less speed. Another way to look at this is to consider Figure 3.8 back on page 50; in the absence of air resistance, the ball thrown upward will return to its starting level with the same speed as the ball thrown downward. Both hit the ground at the same speed (but at different times).
47. The other 15 horsepower is supplied by electric energy from the batteries.
48. In a conventional car, braking converts KE to heat. In a hybrid car, braking charges up the batteries. In this way, braking energy can soon be transformed to KE.
49. The question can be restated; Is (302 - 202) greater or less than (202 - 102)? We see that (302 - 202) = (900 - 400) = 500, which is considerably greater than (202 - 102) = (400 - 100) = 300. So KE changes more for a given ∆v at the higher speed.
50. If an object has KE, then it must have momentum—for it is moving. But it can have potential energy without being in motion, and therefore without having momentum. And every object has “energy of being”—stated in the celebrated equation E = mc2. So whether an object moves or not, it has some form of energy. If it has KE, then with respect to the frame of reference in which its KE is measured, it also has momentum.
51. When the mass is doubled with no change in speed, both momentum and KE are doubled.
52. When the velocity is doubled, the momentum is doubled and the KE is increased by a factor of 4. Momentum is proportional to speed, KE to speed squared.
53. Both have the same momentum, but the 1-kg one, the faster one, has the greater KE.
54. The momentum of the car is equal but opposite in both cases—not the same since momentum is a vector quantity.
55. Zero KE means zero speed, so momentum is also zero.
56. Yes, if we’re talking about only you, which would mean your speed is zero. But a system of two or more objects can have zero net momentum, yet have substantial KEs.
57. Not at all. A low-mass object moving at high speed can have the same KE as a high-mass object moving at low speed.
58. Net momentum before the lumps collide is zero and is zero after collision. Momentum is indeed conserved. Kinetic energy after is zero, but was greater than zero before collision. The lumps are warmer after colliding because the initial kinetic energy of the lumps transforms into thermal energy. Momentum has only one form. There is no way to “transform” momentum from one form to another, so it is conserved. But energy comes in various forms and can easily be transformed. No single form of energy such as KE need be conserved.
59. The two skateboarders have equal momenta, but the lighter one has twice the KE and can do twice as much work on you. So choose the collision with the heavier, slower-moving kid and you’ll endure less damage.
60. Scissors and shears are levers. The applied force is normally exerted over a short distance for scissors so that the output force is exerted over a relatively long distance (except when you want a large cutting force like cutting a piece of tough rope, and you place the rope close to the “fulcrum” so you can multiply force). With metal-cutting shears, the handles are long so that a relatively small input force is exerted over a long distance to produce a large output force over a short distance.
61. Exaggeration makes the fate of teacher Paul Robinson easier to assess: Paul would not be so calm if the cement block were replaced with the inertia of a small stone, for inertia plays a role in this demonstration. If the block were unbreakable, the energy that busts it up would instead be transferred to the beds of nails. So it is desirable to use a block that will break upon impact. If the bed consisted of a single nail, finding a successor to Paul would be very difficult, so it is important that the bed have plenty of nails!
62. There is more to the “swinging balls” problem than momentum conservation, which is why the problem wasn’t posed in the previous chapter. Momentum is certainly conserved if two balls strike with momentum 2mv and one ball pops out with momentum m(2v). That is, 2mv = m2v. We must also consider KE. Two balls would strike with 2(1/2 mv2) = mv2. The single ball popping out with twice the speed would carry away twice as much energy as was put in:
1/2 m(2v)2= 1/2 m(4 v2) = 2mv2.
This is clearly a conservation of energy no-no!
63. Energy is dissipated into nonuseful forms in an inefficient machine, and is “lost” only in the loose sense of the word. In the strict sense, it can be accounted for and is therefore not lost.
64. An engine that is 100% efficient would not be warm to the touch, nor would its exhaust heat the air, nor would it make any noise, nor would it vibrate. This is because all these are transfers of energy, which cannot happen if all the energy given to the engine is transformed to useful work.
65. In the popular sense, conserving energy means not wasting energy. In the physics sense energy conservation refers to a law of nature that underlies natural processes. Although energy can be wasted (which really means transforming it from a more useful to a less useful form), it cannot be destroyed. Nor can it be created. Energy is transferred or transformed, without gain or loss. That’s what a physicist means in saying energy is conserved.
66. The rate at which energy can be supplied is more central to consumers than the amount of energy that may be available, so “power crisis” more accurately describes a short-term situation where demand exceeds supply. (In the long term, the world may be facing an energy crisis when supplies of fuel are insufficient to meet demand.)
67. Your friend is correct, for changing KE requires work, which means more fuel consumption and decreased air quality.
68. In accord with energy conservation, a person who takes in more energy than is expended stores what’s left over as added chemical energy in the body—which in practice means more fat. One who expends more energy than is taken in gets extra energy by “burning” body fat. An undernourished person who performs extra work does so by consuming stored chemical energy in the body—something that cannot long occur without losing health—and life.
69. Once used, energy cannot be regenerated, for it dissipates in the environment—inconsistent with the term “renewable energy.” Renewable energy refers to energy derived from renewable resources—trees, for example.
70. As world population continues to increase, energy production must also increase to provide decent standards of living. Without peace, cooperation, and security, global-scale energy production likely decreases rather than increases.
Chapter 7 Problem Solutions
1. W = ∆E = ∆mgh = 300 kg ´ 10 N/k ´ 6 m = 18,000 J.
2. PE + KE = Total E; KE = 10,000 J – 1000 J = 9000 J.
3. The work done by 10 N over a distance of 5 m = 50 J. That by 20 N over 2 m = 40 J. So the 10-N force over 5 m does more work and could produce a greater change in KE.
4. At three times the speed, it has 9 times (32) the KE and will skid 9 times as far—135 m. Since the frictional force is about the same in both cases, the distance has to be 9 times as great for 9 times as much work done by the pavement on the car.
5. (F ´ d)in=(F ´ d)out
50 N ´ 1.2 m = W ´ 0.2 m
W = [(50 N)(1.2 m)]/0.2 m = 300 N.
6. (F ´ d)in=(F ´ d)out
F ´ 2 m = 5000 N ´ 0.2 m
F = [(5000 N)(0.2 m)]/2 m = 500 N.
7. (Fd)input = (Fd)output
(100 N x 10 cm)input = (? x 1 cm)output
So we see that the output force is 1000 N (or less if the efficiency is less than 100%).
8. The force exerted by the skydiver on the air is equal to her weight, W = mg =(60 kg)(10 m/s2) = 600 N. Power is work per second, so P = F ´ d/t = (600 N)(50 m)/(1 s) = 30,000 J/s = 30 kW.
9. The freight cars have only half the KE possessed by the single car before collision. Here’s how to figure it:
KEbefore = 1/2 m v2
KEafter = 1/2 (2m)(v/2)2 = 1/2 (2m)v2/4 = 1/4 mv2.
What becomes of this energy? Most of it goes into nature’s graveyard—thermal energy.
10. From p = mv, you get v = p/m. Substitute this expression for v in KE = (1/2) mv2 to get KE = (1/2) m(p/m)2 = p2/2m. [Alternatively, one may work in the other direction, substituting p = mv in KE = p2/2m to get KE = (1/2) mv2.]
11. At 25% efficiency, only 1/4 of the 40 megajoules in one liter, or 10 MJ, will go into work. This work is F x d = 500 N x d = 10 MJ.
Solve this for d and convert MJ to J, to get
d = 10 MJ/500 N = 10,000,000 J/500 N = 20,000 m = 20 km.
So under these conditions, the car gets 20 kilometers per liter (which is 47 miles per gallon).
12. Efficiency = useful energy out/total energy in, or, in this case, work out/energy in, which, because the times for each are equal, can be expressed as a ratio (mechanical power output)/(power input). So for the inactive person,
(a) Efficiency = (mechanical power output)/(power input) = 1 W/100 W = 1/100 or 1%.
(b) For the cyclist, Efficiency = (mechanical power output)/(power input) = 100 W/1000 W = 1/10 or 10%.
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